Unfortunately I'm a bit of a "start -stop-start-stop" kind of gal and have lots of projects on the go at once. Plus all of the daily doings are never planned, they just happen when the mood is right.... so this no-smoking thing....mood...erm....
OK think today would be best spent in the fresh air so I will head into the garden to take a few "before" pics. Will post them later today or tomorrow.
Meanwhile here is a simple collage of my budding Delia making Easter themed cakes with extra crunch. I used a tool in Picasa to make the collage. Picasa is a free digital photo organizer and editor. As a beginner with digital scrapbooking I have found it invaluable and will be posting lots of ideas, hints and tips soon! Download Picasa for free by clicking the link on left and get your pics organised. It is quick and simple to use and the effects you can create are brilliant.

Debbie, scrapping is scrapping, in any form. Digital is fine. Can not wait to see what you come up with!
Hello Debbie and welcome to blogland! You will have sooooo much! Your blog looks like it is up and running! Great job! Thank you so much for thinking of me and my little Esty Store! I am honored you would like to add it to your blog! Please do and now you have my blog to! Thanks for emailing and hope to see you lots!