I have recently joined the thingy known as twitter! I have to say that although I cant understand properly about the twibes thing, I have been increasingly impressed with the way it helps me to keep in touch with whats going on. As I am one of the train riders on the Coriandr express (promoting handmade lovliness), Twitter has been fab to post links to many friends, keep in touch with fellow train riders and overall keep up with gossip and seeing what the rich and famous have to say too! Anyway....... As im in a twitterpating mood I would like to post a few pics of Julie Mills' gorgeous handmade scarves and purses.... Perfect for chic chicks!

Julie is a talented lady and whilst using high quality fabrics for her items she has a keen eye for wonderful colours. Go visit Handmaid and see what Julie has to offer in her super shop on Coriandr.

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